Requesting a Letter of Recommendation
Letter of Recommendation Template
To the Student:
Read application instructions carefully
Give the writer a properly addressed, stamped envelope
Request a letter well in advance of the deadline-preferably at least 2 weeks before
Check to see that the letter has been sent or returned to the proper person
Selecting a Writer:
Select a person who knows you well and shows interest in you (for example: counselor, teacher, activity advisor, coach)
Ask your counselor to help you select a person to write for you
Select a person who is familiar with your potential and your achievements
Select at least one teacher whom you have had as an instructor in an academic subject
Ask teachers with whom you have had more than one class (when possible)
Select a person who has challenged you the most
Select a person who could best explain your efforts in school or on the job
Ask the person how they feel about writing a good recommendation for you